Posted by: Amey Bhide | June 21, 2010

I have lots of money, let me spend thoughtlessly…

Lot of people might disagree with me on this, but trust me no matter how much they try, they (including me) are a victim of this syndrome. Typically couples where both are earning and have lots of disposable income or single people who have only themselves to spend on.

These people have lots of extra money and they don’t know what to do with that. And because they don’t know what to do with that money, they spend J

And they spend it thoughtlessly on all kinds of non-productive, perishable, short lived activities viz. movies, eating outside (fully aware of the fact that eating outside every week is unhealthy in the long run), roaming around, clothing (often more than required), buying gadgets which are often used not more than 2-3 times in a year etc.

While wasting one resource (money), what they don’t realize is the fact they are also wasting another equally important resource (time). All of it in non-productive activities with zero or minimal returns.

And often we come home and wonder why we bought most of the things. Only a few are necessary, rest are a result of impulse buying. (another bad disease)

Very few of us actually spend time and money thoughtfully. Thoughtful spending does not mean spending for society’s good (however, trust me, that is the best use of money and time, “Social Responsibility” in true sense). But money and time can be spent thoughtfully on yourself by investing (there are so many investment options available now), saving, helping the needy.

We probably avoid doing it because investing involves following lot of procedures and the pipeline of activities to be completed is also long: determine the investment option, go to the office, get the form which is no less that 5-6 pages long, fill up the form, attach a dozen photocopies with every form and go and submit it. And during maturity there is no guarantee of recovering even the principle.

We might start investing more if the overall process is made easier. While I am sure it will definitely happen some day. Till then lets start thinking and come up with innovative ways of spending (time and money) productively

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